School activities are supposed to expose the students to culture and art, as well as enrich their knowledge. One example of my class' school activities is a visit to the Tel Aviv University which, in my opinion, was the most interesting school tour which I have ever been to. I think that school activities are very important but that depends on their topic.
In my opinion, school activities are very important, because first, the school activities teach beyond the material which is taught in the class. In school activities the students learn facts, which improve the general knowledge, widen horizons. Facts which are learned in the school activities, may be more important than the school learned material. For example, at the lecture about sleep, we learned about ways to remember dreams, an important thing which is good to know. Secondly, some pupils wouldn't go to places like theatre, muzeum on their own.
Another reason, In school activities the students learn the facts in a more fun and interesting way than in school, which in my opinion is better. In that way the facts and the information are learned better than in school. For example, in "She-la-ch" trips the pupils don't just learn the material in class, they go outside, to the field, and visit the places which the pupils learned in class.
In conclusion, school activities are very important for general knowledge and to get out from the school to the field and understand the learned material in a better way. In my opinion, school activities are very important, but there are some activities which I think are superfluous, for example, going to the theatre, because I don't think that going to the theatre teaches necessary things. In addition, the tour spends studying day. In my opinion, school activities, like visiting in universities, museums and lectures need to replace the theatre.
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